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Apple ][+
The Personal Computer
![apple ][+](apple2-main.jpg)
[Click to enlarge]
My Apple ][ Experience
I cut my teeth on the Apple ][, and I say that with pride.
As a kid I always wanted one, but that wasn't to be -- the Apple
][ was hideously expensive in its day. I had to settle with the
Apples we had at school (St.
Leonard's College in Melbourne, Australia), and, given their limited
number, there was often contention over getting your hands on a unit.
I first came across the Apple (let alone any personal computer) during
a presentation given to our class in '80 or '81, for which they actually
set up one of the newly acquired units in the classroom -- a rare
occurrence indeed, since they were usually kept under lock and key. I got
to power the baby up and heard that now familiar sound of the beep and
booting floppy. We played a few rounds of Lemonade Stand,
presumably because it was deemed educational 'n' stuff.
In 1983 I began programming on the Apple in BASIC and some machine
language as an after school activity. There were only about 10 systems as
I recall, one of which actually had a colour monitor and was
consequently furiously fought over. Another was hooked up to a bulky,
wood veneered colour TV via an RF modulator. The rest were an assortment
of original Apples and Orange Micro clones with 12-inch green monitors
and one (my favourite) with the classic 9" portable b&w monitors. Among
the peripherals was a clunky DECwriter, an Epson FX-80
printer, and a "turtle" robot which could carry a pen and be
programmed under LOGO. You needed
special privileges to get into the computer room, which was locked at all
times (for obvious reasons).
Games were strictly no-no's, and our supervisor checked on us regularly
to enforce this rule. Those caught playing were stripped of their
privileges and banned from the room! Of course that didn't stop us, and we
actually posted lookouts at the window to check for the approaching super
while the others pounded away with classics like Star Blazer,
Choplifter, Repton, Gorgon, Horizon V, and
Raster Blaster, just to name a few. If/when the super did turn up,
we immediately slammed the RESET key (aptly dubbed "the panic button").
Of course the sound of 10 or so Apples all beeping and booting their
floppies in concert the instant you come in isn't the least bit
suspicious, is it? :^)
The Apple ][ has always been notorious for power supply
problems, notably the failure of the power switch. Interestingly, the unit
at school with the 9" monitor refused to power off, which proved
fatal for one kid playing Horizon V on it (IIRC that game is boot
resistant, so you had to power cycle). Suffice to say, the supervisor came
in and caught him flicking desperately with the power switch, to no
avail. The super's wrath came down on him, and the poor sod was banished
from the computer room for all eternity. Interestingly, the unit in
question was marked #5, a bizarre coincidence with the robot gone
amok in the movie Short
Circuit. :^)
Our supervisor with one of the school's first Apple
]['s in 1981. This was the unit with the classic 9" b&w
monitor which I used quite often. Simply marked #5, it
became my fave because it was almost never taken (everybody
wanted that damn colour monitor). I wonder what that mallet's
for... :^)
I never did manage to call an Apple my own in those days, but many
years later I bought one off a colleague at university (thanks, Norbert!)
and fulfilled my wish. It still sits on my desk and performs flawlessly.
Of all the vintage computers in my collection, the Apple ][
is my most cherished. To say I'm partial to this system would be an
understatement. It holds a special place in my heart, but I guess that
goes for anyone's first computer encounter.
It is said that Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs laid the foundation for
the personal computer industry when they founded and operated Apple
Computer out of a garage. While that may be debatable, there is no doubt
that they had a fundamental impact on the industry and the direction in
which it was headed in the mid to late 70s.
Wozniak was the brains of the outfit, while Jobs was the brawn. The
former was the engineering wizard who designed the products, while the
latter had the business acumen to successfully market and promote them. In
1976 they introduced the Apple I, a single board computer Wozniak designed
around the 6502 microprocessor according to his concept of what a
personal computer should be. It sold in kit form, which was not unusual
in those days as personal computing was nothing more than an emerging
hobby. What set it apart from other computer kits was an integrated
keyboard interface and video output (most single board machines at the
time had LED blinkenlights and switches for twiddling and displaying
individual bits). The Apple I sold in large enough quantities (we're
talking just a few hundred units here) for the duo to realise that there
really was a potential market for a personal computer.
The followup Apple ][ was introduced in 1977 and became
one of the first mass produced personal computers along with the Commodore PET and TRASH-80 Model I. It came in a handsome
plastic case with built in keyboard and switching mode (!) power supply
(no clunky transformers sitting on the floor as with the TRASH 80), and
integer BASIC in ROM (no more loading from tape as with the predecessor).
The case design was attributed to Jobs, and is in my mind one of the most
elegant designs ever to house a computer. It's a unique blend of the
classic and futuristic, and Jobs insisted that the Apple ][
should have a polished, corporate look and feel (although it remained to a
great extent a hobbyist machine) to attract business clientele.
An ad for the original Apple ][ from 1977. Yes
folks, the computer has been domesticated, or so the message
it seems to convey. You can hook it up to your domestic TV
and set it up in your own domestic kitchen. Your domestic
housewife takes care of the domestic chores while you get to
play with your new toy because, after all, computing is a
man's job!
With an introductory price of $1300 with 4K of RAM, the Apple
][ retailed for more than double the price tag of Commodore's and
Tandy's offerings. This surcharge was not unjustified, as the Apple was
more sophisticated in several ways: it offered greater expandability by
way of eight expansion slots for add-on cards, it had an analog
joystick/paddle connector, and it could boast hi-res colour
graphics and sound capabilities. According to Wozniak, the latter were
added on a whim expressly to enhance his implementation of Little
Brickout, one of the demo programs that shipped with the Apple
Jobs and Wozniak (hacking). They appear to be checking a Disk
][ unit with an oscilloscope, which would date the photo some
time between 1977 and 1978. Note the classic TI calculator
(possibly a TI Programmer) next to the drive [Click to
The Apple ][ was hugely successful, setting new standards
in personal computing. Although popular in schools and small businesses
(the advent of the IBM PC changed all that), the Apple ][ was
essentially at home with hobbyists. Aptly enough, Apple's advertising at
the time emphasised it as the personal computer. Its popularity
also spawned a whole slew of clones, second in proliferation only to IBM
PC clones. Among them such popular names as the Franklin Ace
and Laser models. Needless to say, Apple wasn't happy and sued... and
eventually won, in the case of Franklin.
A smug pair, aren't they? One of a series of innovative and
amusing CompuServe ads from the early 80's depicting personal
computer owners (and of course CompuServe users) from the
computer's bug-eyed perspective, in this case an Apple
][. These two have achieved the ultimate American
middle-class dream at that time: no kids, but they do
have a computer! And of course they only had to wash one
glass, which suggests they probably don't have a dishwasher
either. This ad raises the philosophical question of whether
computers have some level of awareness, but I think we'll just
leave it at that. :^) [Click to enlarge].
1978 saw the release of the Apple ][+, with the plus
denoting a improved version. Overall, the improvements were modest,
consisting mainly of some minor hardware changes, but most importantly a
new firmware. The Apple ][+ came with Applesoft BASIC in ROM,
which, unlike the predecessor's built in integer BASIC, was capable of
floating point maths and also provided commands for hi-res graphics. The
ROM's "autostart" feature was also capable of booting from the Disk ][
floppy drive (previously released that year) without user intervention. To
accommodate the new code, some popular features such as the resident
miniassembler were removed from the original Apple ][ ROM,
much to the dismay of a sizeable portion of the user base. The most
significant hardware change was the memory capacity, which was boosted to
48K. At $1200, the Apple ][+ actually retailed for less than
its predecessor, despite having more memory. The Apple ][+
was also the first in the line to be exported. Since it only generated a
colour NTSC signal, a modified Europlus model was shipped which
generated a monochrome PAL video signal. A PALcolour card to generate PAL
conformant colour encoding could be plugged into slot 7, which provided
the Apple's 3.5 MHz colour reference signal on a dedicated pin .
A strange ad for the Apple ][+ from 1981. We
don't tend to associate computers with farming, except
apparently in the midwest. Comparing the Apple
][+ to a tractor that "plows through paperwork in
minutes" is pretty bold, to say the least [Click to enlarge].
For the intents and purposes of its day, the Apple ][ is a
superbly engineered machine. Particularly the firmware routines are quite
advanced for their day, with support for text windows, and I/O
redirection to/from any of the eight expansion slots.
The sound capabilities are crude, consisting simply of a speaker
connected to a memory location (-16336, a so-called softswitch in
Apple ][ parlance) that can be "clicked" at various
frequencies under software control, effectively constituting a pulse
width modulation (the original IBM PC would also adopt this form of
sound generation). Crude as the hardware may be, crafty programmers
nevertheless elicited some remarkable timbres and even digitised speech
from it in such classic titles as Electric Duet (which could
produce polyphonic sound), The Voice, Castle Wolfenstein
(the pre-PC original!), Plasmania, Sea Dragon, and
Tumble Bugs a.k.a Dung Beetles ("We GOTCHA!").
Sound coupled with the hi-res colour graphics and a joystick or pair
of paddles turned the Apple ][ into a respectable games
machine for its day, though certainly not up to par with the then popular
video arcade games. Labels like Muse, Sirius, Br0derbund, Sublogic,
Gebelli, Sir-Tech, Datamost, and Sierra On-Line turned out a steady stream
of classic Apple games. But also serious applications abounded. Infact,
the Apple ][ could arguably boast the largest software
library of any microcomputer in its day.
This machine is a tinkerer's dream, primarily because it's a completely
open system -- literally, as the lid pops off to reveal its innards,
inviting the user to explore and poke around inside! This philosophy is
further reflected in the documentation, which is unlike any computer
reference manual I've seen since, containing firmware routine
documentation, a memory map, expansion slot and connector pinouts, an
overview of the 6502 instruction set, a commented ROM listing, and to top
it off, full circuit schematics! Infact, few computers out there are as
well documented as the Apple ][.
Along with the reference manual came two manuals describing Applesoft
BASIC. One is a tutorial for beginners which, on occasion, reads somewhat
tongue-in-cheek. Take this brilliant piece of prose from the section
covering sound generation:
"Clicks, ticks, tocks, and various buzzes are easily generated. You
can make sounds on your Apple if you tap it, scratch your fingers
across it, or drop it, but the sounds covered in this manual
are produced by programming it."
Apple ][ documentation. The reference manual
(left) is replete with hardware info and primarily aimed at
techies. The Applesoft tutorial (centre) is an introduction
into Applesoft BASIC primarily for beginners, while the
Applesoft reference manual (right) is for experienced users
[Click to enlarge].
Since the system used off-the-shelf components, there were no secrets
to be guarded (that changed considerably as home computers with custom
ASICs arrived, which were sparsely documented at best). These factors
encouraged experimentation and exploration, and some pretty nifty add-on
gadgets were developed. This resulted in the evolution of a whole cottage
industry around the Apple ][, not so much from corporate but
rather from hobbyist backgrounds. Among these was Microsoft's popular Z80 SoftCard,
essentially a coprocessor that endowed the Apple ][ with the
ability to run the industry standard CP/M operating system -- a strong
selling point, as it opened up the door to a range of business
applications, thereby elevating the Apple ][ into the upper
echelons of professional computing.
A Z80 SoftCard clone. The ability to run industry standard
CP/M applications on the Apple ][ was of
particular value to small businesses [Click to enlarge].
Other popular add-ons were the Language Card which plugged into
slot 0 and expanded the Apple's memory to 64K (so called because
interpreters and compilers usually occupied the upper 16K residing on the
card), and the Super Serial Card to connect serial devices like
modems and printers. More exotic boards included clock/calendar cards,
speech synthesisers (such as SAM),
accelerator boards, audio/video digitisers, and even Motorola 68000
While the Apple ]['s expandability was one of its strong
selling points, it also led to, paradoxically, a weakness in the design: a
fully loaded Apple ][ ran hot, and heat dissipation became a
problem. Third party vendors offered fan units which latched onto the side
vents. I simply dropped a Papst Variofan into my Apple and hooked it up to
the 12V pin which normally powers the RF modulator
Popping off the lid reveals the innards. This baby is loaded!
As this is a Europlus, slot 7 at the front is empty and
usually reserved for a PALcolour board [Click to enlarge].
Hardware Issues
- Power supply failures common, notably
contact problems with rocker power switch.
- Fully loaded card slots can overburden the power supply
and/or lead to excessive heat buildup in the case;
system should then be operated without lid or fitted
with a fan.
- The Disk ][ draws its 12VDC supply from the Apple ][ power
supply via the disk controller connector; as such,
care must be taken when connecting the drive, as
misaligning the connector may destroy the drive!
Year of introduction |
1978 |
Retail price |
$1200 |
MOS 6502 at 1.023 MHz |
Up to 64K |
12K with Applesoft BASIC and system monitor |
Display |
40×24 monochrome text (80 column card optional)
40×48 lo-res graphics (16 colours)
280×192 hi-res graphics (6 colours) |
Audio |
Built in speaker, PWM actuated |
I/O |
Expansion slots (8), composite video out,
cassette in/out, analog joystick/paddle connector,
auxiliary video for PALcolour board or RF modulator,
optional serial and parallel interface |
Storage |
Audio cassette, 5.25" Disk ][ floppy drive (143K) |
Keyboard |
Full-stroke upper case with repeat key |
Operating system |
Proprietary, with Disk ][: DOS 3.3, ProDos, CP/M
(with optional Z80 SoftCard), UCSD-Pascal |
Rarity |
Common |
Verdict |
A classic if ever there was one! |
Steve Weyhrich's excellent Apple ][ History
Steve Woziak's Website!!!
The Unofficial Apple Museum
Apple ][ FAQs
Apple ][ Tree (Japanese)
Apple ][ World (Japanese)
Apple Forever! (French)
Apple ][ documentation, emulation,
and software repository at
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